Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013


Who spied on who?
On whom did you spy?

Who lied about who spied 
Who spied on us

Defiled our innocence 
Noble Roman to hairy Gaul

Split the Empire
Breached our Wall!

Who lied about who spied

Who spied on us

When we

Never spied!

Besides, who dares spy
When the pie is not wide?

Who made unknown known 
And the known-unknowns known?

Where can he fly
Who deserves to die!

He is the immoral eye
Huckster of lies.

Yet even

Drunken hackers

Look for a first fact:

A man who won't talk to his X

Would rather not conceive

 What's stuck in her craw,

Just in case

He did the sticking.

We are here
To save you from evil-doers

Unless you guess 
We are the evil-doers:

In which case
You are superfluous. 

For every adult 
Must abandon their parents,

Whose lies and spies
Set them asunder

Desert the family
Or else die from lies: 

Priam's cloud swirls 

Where the faithful thrive

Round the black-box

Of perfidious 
Maryland's Kabba,  

A burning-bush of asphalt

Against Paraguayan eyes

Who would lie about who spies

When they spy on us!

Who lied when spies eyed
The final secret:

The formula 
Tapped by a Penguin's foot 

On Greenland's slush,
The secret place,

The grave
Of Crazy-Horse,

Chief Joesph's traitorous tongue,
Mark Twain's bitter smoke.

A College of Cardinals 
In red slippers

Could not uphold the Shroud of Turin
And wave the bloody nails 

Better than this unavailing corpse
Conceals the closing-curtain.

What does the enemy want?
The enemy envies what you envy.

The enemy is
He who says there is no enemy.

The enemy is
The idea of secrecy. 

The enemy is
The oppression of talent.

Ennui is the Devil's heart!

For once spoken
It is possible to ask

And well might we ask:
Why men and women

And women and men
Spy love or money

As if it were real;
Or know

That Ancient curse

The State:
A childish dream

A dreary eye


The garden,
Goes on and wearily on,

Though none can answer
Wherefore, or why.

Will Morgan
June 22, 2013

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